Audio Action Amplifier

How audio drives action

As interest rates, inflation and property values impact the housing market, SCAiQ’s latest Audio Action Amplifier insights reveal that a massive 66% of listeners act as a result of listening to Banking and Finance ads; from product investigation to taking out a loan.

100% of 124 audio campaigns analysed driving listeners to act across all audio formats; an average of 43% across broadcast audio, streaming audio and podcasts, reinforcing the power of audio to drive customers.

As ecommerce brands also contend with retail dollars returning in-store post-COVID, analysis reveals that 51% of listeners act as a result of ecommerce advertising. And all categories perform strongly, ranging from 33% to 47% of listeners acting on audio campaigns across alcohol, FMCG, automotive, retail and more.

16.8 million Australians are listening to ad-supported audio every week, which adds as much as 18 percentage points of additional reach to screens such as TV and BVOD.

Download the Banking and Finance report

Download the Ecommerce report

Source: SCAiQ Client Insights Studies | January 2020 – July 2022. Refer to report download above for full methodology, sources and citations.