Audio Logo Index 2020

The Power of Sonic Identity

SCA has partnered with audio intelligence platform Veritonic to produce the first study into the most effective brand audio logos in Australia, with Bunnings and Victoria Bitter taking the top two positions in terms of performance.

The landmark “Audio Logo Index” study used Veritonic’s audio intelligence platform to collect data on the top 26 audio logos in Australia. The platform analysed the files using machine listening and learning algorithms to identify trends, strengths and weaknesses, and then collected human response data from 2,100 people from SCA’s Insights Community. Respondents listened to each logo and assessed it on a range of attributes, as well as brand familiarity and memorability*. The platform then assigned each sonic brand a ‘Veritonic Audio Score’, the only standard measure of audio creative effectiveness.

Top results for authenticity, likeability, uniqueness and high recall were the primary drivers of the sonic brand’s success, with Bunnings ranking No. 1 and Victoria Bitter No. 2.

Audio Logo Index Top 10

  1. Bunnings
  2. Victoria Bitter
  3. Toyota
  4. McDonalds
  5. Telstra
  6. Coles
  7. Intel
  8. AAMI
  9. Woolworths
  10. Harvey Norman

Click here to download the Audio Logo Index presentation